/ Founder & CEO of Hong Kong Carbon
Trading Centre Co, Ltd [香港碳貿易中心]
/ The Member of the fifth & sixth Legislative Council of HKSAR (Textiles and Garment Sector 2012-21) [前立法會議員]
/ Member of Carbon Market Opportunities Working Group of Financial Services Development Council (FSDC)
/ Chairman of t3.Fashion Industry Training Advisory Committee under the Qualifications Framework (QF), Education Bureau of HKSAR
/ Chairman of Design Discipline Advisory Board (DEDAB) of VTC
/ Honorary Life Chairman of Hong Kong Apparel Society (HKAS)
/ Honorary. General Committee of The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong
/ Advisor of New Territories General Chamber of Commerce
Introduction Corner
Felix Chung also has a good linkage with business sectors especially in the manufacturing field. In year 2001, with the support from many garment manufacturers, a non-profit making association was formed in the name of the Hong Kong Apparel Society Ltd (HKAS), Felix Chung was the founder Chairman of HKAS until 2012 and being a Hon. Life Chairman now.
In 2013 he founded the Fashion Industry Development Council (FIDC) which aims to gather elites of different specialties to promote the interests of the fashion industry in Hong Kong.
In early 2022, he formed Hong Kong Carbon Trading Centre (HKCTC) as the Founder & CEO. HKCTC helps all kinds and sizes of industrial companies in how to reduce the carbon emission in order to help the World’s climate change.